Management structure

Executive Director

Muhamet Elmazi – Executive director of NOMAGAS JSC Skopje

The executive director i.e. the Executive member of the Board of directors, represents NOMAGAS JSC Skopje in both domestic and foreign trade, manages the operations of the company and has wider powers to perform all matters related to the management, implementation of the decisions of the board of directors and the performance of the current activities of the company and acts in all circumstances on behalf of the company.


Board of directors

Krste Miladinov - President of the Board of directors,

Muhamet Elmazi – Executive member Executive director,

Ognen Dimitrov - Non-executive independent member,

Hajriz Buci - Non-executive member,

Boshko Stefanovski - Non-executive member,

Shareholders Assembly

The rights and obligations of the Assembly are performed by the Ministry of energy, mining and mineral resources as the sole shareholder. The Shareholders Assembly decides on issues determined by law and the Statute of NOMAGAS JSC Skopje.