Working meeting with representatives of the civic initiative “I love Vodno” (“Go sakam Vodno”)

Working meeting regarding the program proposal for reforestation of Vodno

The working group on reforestation of Vodno, comprised of representatives from the city of Skopje, PE Parks and Greenery (Parkovi i zelenilo), Ministry of environment, Ministry of transport and communications and the Faculty of forestry held a working meeting with representatives of the civic initiative “I love Vodno” (“Go sakam Vodno”) regarding the previous activities for preparation of program proposal for reforestation and re-cultivation of Vodno mountain.

The program proposal has been prepared by the working group following a comprehensive analysis of the documentation for Vodno. It contains a general plan for re-cultivation and reforestation, a priority reforestation plan and a proposal for future reforestation and re-cultivation activities. With this general plan, reforestation of 578 hectares on the south and north side of Vodno is planned and 25 hectares in 6 locations are planned as priorities in the first phase.
Со генералниот план планирано е пошумување на 578 хектари на јужната и на северната страна на Водно, а како приоритетни во првата фаза се планирани 25 хектари на 6 локации.

The funds for realization of the program in the amount of MKD 43 million have been provided by the Government and National Energy Resources (NER).