Gas interconnection pipeline North Macedonia – Greece

This gas pipeline section is part of the National gas pipeline system in the Republic of North Macedonia. The project Gas interconnection pipeline North Macedonia – Greece is a project that will ensure the security of supply with gas, for both the Republic of Macedonia and the region. This section provides connection to the existing main network in the RNM with the gas pipeline network in Greece.

The starting point of the route in North Macedonia is on the border with Greece near the village Idomeni and the city of Gevgelija, where the Greek section of the gas pipeline will end. The ending point of the gas pipeline is the already built valve station (block station BS 7) on the newly built gas pipeline Stip-Negotino, near the town of Negotino. The length of the gas pipeline route is 68 km and diameter Ø700.

The Investor of the project is NER JSC Skopje National Energy Resources, a joint stock company for performing energy activities, Skopje, in state ownership.

Importance of the project:

  • -Support to the gasification of the country by providing the interconnection point large volumes of gas in order to meet the expected growth in demand,
  • -Provide security of supply by diversification of the sources of supply,
  • -Provide market integration in order to enable the consumers in North Macedonia to have similar gas prices as the ones in the neighboring countries,
  • -Sustainable source of energy for the country that has a low emission index.

According to the laws in the RNM appropriate technical documentation and procedure for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) have been prepared in order to determine the compliance with the standards for the environment and social aspects, i.e. to ensure that the project includes all the necessary measures for the protection of the environment and social aspects as a basic condition for obtaining consent for its realization. In addition to the applied national legal requirements, the Environmental and Social Aspects Policies of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank have also been applied.

An Elaborate on permanent and temporary expropriation has been prepared, that has determined the need for access to land in the municipalities of Gevgelija, Bogdanci, Demir Kapija and Negotino, i.e. the corresponding cadastral municipalities Negotino, Timjanik, Dubrovo, Tremnik, Przhdevo, Chiflik, Dren, Demir Kapija, Petrovo, Miravci outside the city, Gabrovo, Smokvica, Prdejci, Negorci, Stojakovo, Gjavato, Bogdanci outside the city and Bogorodica.

A stakeholder and community engagement plan was prepared and consultations with the public were conducted during the assessment of the environmental and social aspects. The technical documentation was also prepared in accordance with national legislation and the requirements of the EBRD.

The general layout of the project is presented in the following picture:


Within the stakeholder engagement process the residents have the opportunity to submit questions and concerns through adeguate communication means and form that will be published on the website of the institution in charge for the project National Energy Resources (NER JSC Skopje) or the municipalities in the Project area.

The questions may be submitted in written form and by filling in the form that will be made available in the municipality administration of the municipalities through which the gas pipeline passes. In addition to a written form, questions can also be submitted by contacting the engineers in charge of the project by phone or in person.

Contact persons from National Energy Resources (NER JSC Skopje) are the following:

1.Ivo Shurbanovski mob.: +389 75 269 754

2.Aleksandar Apostoloski mob.: +389 75 269 763