TV appearance on Economic magazine on Alsat M Television – Bajram Redzepi, executive director of NER JSC Skopje

The Director of National Energy Resources, Bajram Redzepi, who was invited to "Economic magazine" on Alsat, said that our country will be able to supply gas not only from Bulgaria, but also from Greece and Turkey.

"Currently we have only one gas interconnection that connects the two transmission systems close to the border at Deve Bair and so far this means that all the capacity that was from the Bulgarian line to our transmission system has been booked by Gazprom. The compressor stations have so far generated a pressure of about 36-37 bar, thus producing a total annual capacity of approximately 800 million cubic meters and on a daily basis, about 2.2 million cubic meters of gas come in our country. It is well known that this capacity has been reserved by the operator from the Russian supplier Gazprom with a long-term contract until 2030 preventing the other operators, suppliers to have access to this transmission network. What has changed now, what is changing with this agreement? The first thing is that there will be an increase in the compression capacity on the Bulgarian side, so from 36 bars it will be increased to 46 bar, approximately there will be a daily capacity of approximately 500,000 cubic meters more that will be transferred to our country, which are outside of the agreement that Gazprom had with Bulgartransgaz. But it is also important that many parameters are changing in our country, especially those that are related to the measurement, it was very simple because all this capacity coming from the Bulgarian side was Russian gas and it had the same calorific value. Now when other capacities have been released and other operators will have the opportunity to use this capacity, there will not be only Russian gas, there will be gas, let's say, from Greece or Turkey, and these do not have the same energy values," said Bajram Redzepi, director of National Energy Resources.