Section „Skopje - Tetovo - Gostivar“

Согласно Законот за задолжување на Република Северна Македонија кај Дојче банка и Ерсте банка по Договорот за заем за финансирање на Проектот „Гасификација на Република Северна Македонија – фаза 1 – Делница Штип – Неготино – Битола и Делница Скопје – Тетово – Гостивар“ се обезбедени финансиски средства за изградба на Делница „Скопје-Тетово-Гостивар“.

The construction started in December 2016 and is expected to be completed in 2023.

Status of realization:

Реализација по должина (главна линија) – 75,5 км = 91%

Реализација по должина (крак кон Тетово) – 10км од договорени 10км = 100% (заклучно со март 2021 година).

Technical parameters:

Line part in length of 77 km with pipe diameter DN 500 (20”) and branch to Tetovo in length of 10km with pipe diameter DN 150 (6”);

Valve stations: VS (DN500) 4 pcs, VS (DN200) and VS (DN150);

Pig Launching station DN 500;

MMRS „Tetovo”, with capacity Q=22 000 m3/h;

MMRS „Gostivar”, with capacity Q=16 000 m3/h;

Route description:

The route of section "Skopje-Tetovo-Gostivar" starts at the existing main gas pipeline Deve Bair-Skopje, from the location where a separation of the gas pipeline branch was performed for the supply of the industry of the gas pipeline branch Skopje-South. After the connection to the existing gas pipeline, the route begins to bypass Skopje from its southern side, passing through Kisela Voda-Sopiste, gradually moves from the lowland to a mountainous terrain west of the top of Vodno. Then the route begins to descend towards the Treska river, passing through Glumovo, under the village of Semeniste, the village of Chajlane, in front of the village of Bukovik, through the Reka and Panicarska rivers, continuing southwest towards the village of Merovo, through the locality Balvan and west under the village of Gorna Leshnica to the locality Dobrev Jaz where the connection to Tetovo is located. From Tetovo, the route descends towards Miletino cutting the Sveta river, continues west between Miletino and Blace, east of the village of Trenovo, where the Valve station 18 is placed, then the route crosses the Vardar river and the Polog valley. In the continuation, the route makes a semi-circle to the east bypassing the Balin Dol and Malo Turcane villages and ends at Kolchak.

The route of the section Skopje – Tetovo – Gostivar covers the regions of Skopje, Polog and Gostivar.