Public debate held in the Municipality of Sopiste
On 29 July 2019, in the Municipality of Sopiste, a public debate was held, attended by Bajram Redzepi, executive director of NER JSC Skopje, Stevce Trpkoski
On 29 July 2019, in the Municipality of Sopiste, a public debate was held, attended by Bajram Redzepi, executive director of NER JSC Skopje, Stevce Trpkoski
ECO ACTIVISM NER JSC Skopje, as socially responsible company, actively took part in the campaign led by the Delegation of the European Union
On 13 June 2019 a working meeting was held in NER’s premises. The meeting was attended by high level delegation from the European Investment Bank, the Energy Community,
Today, 29 May 2019 in NER’s premises a working meeting was held with high representatives of the European Investment Bank, Energy Community, WBIF,
The gas pipeline Skopje-Tetovo-Gostivar will meet the completion deadline by the end of the year
Working meeting regarding the program proposal for reforestation of Vodno The working group on reforestation of Vodno, comprised of representatives from the city of Skopje, PE Parks and Greenery (Parkovi i zelenilo),
Press release Today, as part of the visit of the government delegation of the Republic of Greece, a protocol of cooperation was signed in the premises of JSC NER as
“Денес го информиравме премиерот, заменик претседателот на владата и министерот за транспорт и врски и другиот дел од делегацијата, со текот на реализацијата на проектот
“Го известивме премиерот и другиот дел од владината делегација дека на делницата Неготино-Битола имаме заварено 33км од гасоводот, 52км од отворената траса и над 75км
На ден 19.02.2019 година во просториите на НЕР АД Скопје, се одржа работна средба меѓу делегација од ДЕСФА (Оператор на систем за пренос на гас
The Executive Director of NER, Bajram Redzepi, attended the official meeting with the Minister of Economic Development of Kosovo, Valdrin Luka
Гасификацијата позитивно ќе влијае од економски, еколошки и од енергетски аспект, а вистинските ефекти ќе се почувствуваат дури откога ќе се обезбедат услови за евтин