Spread solution not pollution
t is with great pleasure that NER has accepted the proposal of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning to implement actions in the fight against air pollution
t is with great pleasure that NER has accepted the proposal of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning to implement actions in the fight against air pollution
Реџепи: До 2025 година поголемиот дел од градовите и општините ќе бидат гасифицирани Владата најавува засилени градежни активности за изградбата на гасоводот во 2019 година
Press conference of Sugareski (MTC), Makraduli (MOEPP), Shilegov (City of Skopje) and Redzepi (NER)
“The facility that is behind us is the main measuring and regulating station Negotino, which is planned
The Government delegation, headed by the Minister of Economy Kresnik Bekteshi and the Director of National Energy Resources – Bajram Redzepi, from 4 December to 6 December in Orlando, Florida, USA,
Today a public debate was organized by the City of Skopje regarding the construction of the gas pipeline on Vodno. The mayor Petre Shilegov invited representatives of the competent state bodies, as well
Каде дефинитивно ќе оди трасата за гасната делница од Скопје за Гостивар, преку Тетово, преку Парк шумата Водно, како што предлага Владата, или по друга