Working meeting with Vladimir Malinov - Executive Director of Bulgartransgaz
Today, the Executive director of the Bulgarian natural gas transmission operator, Mr. Vladimir Malinov, paid an official visit to NER JSC Skopje.
Today, the Executive director of the Bulgarian natural gas transmission operator, Mr. Vladimir Malinov, paid an official visit to NER JSC Skopje.
РЕЏЕПИ ЗА КДП: ЕНЕРГИЈАТА Е КЛУЧНА ВО ГЕОПОЛИТИКАТА НА НАШИОТ ВЕК Бајрам Реџепи, директор на државната компанија „Национални енергетски ресурси“ вели дека енергијата е клучниот
REXHEPI PËR KDP: ENERGJIA ËSHTË KYÇE NË GJEOPOLITIKËN E SHEKULLIT TONË Bajram Rexhepi, drejtor i kompanisë shtetërore të RMV “Resurset Kombëtare Energjetike” thotë se energjia
Енергетска независност како заштита од злонамерни влијанија Државната гасна компанија “Гаспром” е најголемиот снабдувач на гас за европските земји. Русија обично нуди евтин гас и
Kompania shtetërore e gazit “Gazprom” është furnizuesi më i madh me gaz i shteteve të Evropës. Rusia ofron zakonisht gaz me çmim të lirë dhe
The state-owned gas company Gazprom is the largest gas supplier to European countries. Russia usually offers cheap gas and is easily accessible, which has led
The executive director of NER JSC Skopje, Bajram Redzepi, together with the Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi participated in the global forum P-TECC (Partnership for Transatlantic Energy
Within the MEF 21 Energy Forum, at the panel discussion “The role of natural gas in the energy transition”, together with the colleagues from the region and experts in the field, we agreed
Together with the U.S. Ambassador to North Macedonia, Her Excellency Kate Byrnes and high- level EU officials, in the framework of the largest energy forum in the region, we signed a cooperation agreement
Bajram Redzepi, the Executive director of NER JSC Skopje, attended the Economic Forum, 25th Roundtable with the Government of Greece entitled: “From social distancing to social solidarity” in Athens.
Today in Kiev, Ukraine - Bajram Redzepi, the Executive Director of NER JSC Skopje, together with the Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi attended the third session
Bajram Redzepi, Executive director of NER JSC Skopje and Konstantinos Sifnaios, representative of "Asmina Eleni Kopelozu", today in the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia signed